Something Unique at
Our Lady of the Lakes
High School
We are part of an amazing community of faith in the Archdiocese of Detroit. For decades, our Catholic schools have served as a model of academic excellence, as well as personal and spiritual growth. BE A GOOD STUDENT, DEVELOP IN FAITH, ATTEND COLLEGE. While this model has served Catholic school communities well, we believe that there is more we can do to prepare our students for the world ahead. We believe our students can be more and that they should be given the tools to CHOOSE their own pathway to excellence.
Please view the Secondary Course Description and Flowchart here.
For grading policies and graduation requirements, please visit the counseling page here.
Our Lady of the Lakes School is accredited by MANS.
Christian Service Experiences Replace Christian Service Hours
We believe strongly in serving humanity in the model of Jesus Christ. Tabulating this service into hours turns what is otherwise a meaningful experience into a task, which often resembles less the acts of Jesus and more a thing that a nice or helpful person might do. We will encourage and support our students in engaging in true acts of charity and discipleship. We will not count how long these events last, but rather present opportunities each year for our students to participate in meaningful acts of service.
Social Value Projects to Improve Our World
We strive to educate the whole child. While attending Our Lady of the Lakes, our students will learn to value the community and serve others in ways that benefit their classmates, their school, and the world. They are encouraged to work as mentors to students of all grade levels, engage in projects that beautify our campus, and to find a way to bring something of true value into the world.
Real World Experiences
Upperclassmen will have the option to work both in and outside of the building through our internship program. Our Lady of the Lakes' expansive and supportive parish and alumni community will host select students at their places of business. Others will have a chance to work alongside our staff in various roles on campus. Students will learn life skills, time management, and personal responsibility.
Re-imagining the Purpose of the School Day
The best learning is done face to face with our teachers and students engaging in meaningful interactions. However, asking teachers, and students for that matter, to make each uniform class period in every subject "meaningful" is impossible. The solution is not simple, but the idea behind it is. Teachers will teach classes for the length of time required to make those subjects meaningful. Students and teachers will choose weekly, how they will utilize their time, and this choice will ensure every day is an opportunity to maximize its potential. All core and Advanced Placement subjects will maintain a regular weekly schedule with ample time for instruction. Teachers will only use core blocks for active instruction. Students and teachers will be able to meet with one another during flex time to expand upon instructional material, engage in lab work, host study sessions, or work together in our student collaboration center.
How will this format impact instruction time and graduation requirements?
Students at Our Lady of the Lakes will fulfill the State of Michigan curricular requirements in all subjects. They will additionally be offered credits in elective areas to pursue their interests. This is accomplished by reformatting both the daily schedule and our focus. When students are in their main subject blocks, the focus will be on direct instruction and teacher interaction. Additional housekeeping, review, tutoring, group work, etc is still available to students, just at different times throughout the day.
No. All students will have a schedule of classes to attend daily. However, students will have isolated times of “choice”. During these times students are expected to find their way, and check into, an appropriate common area, or classroom. During certain times of the year, this may include the fenced in rear area of the school. Students may not leave campus unless signed out by a parent or for a previously approved school program or function.
OLL will continue to offer the same number of high quality AP courses we have offered our students for years. Students can take AP courses in Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Art, and more. We have extended the time of these classes to ensure maximum exposure to the subject. Many more electives will be available than in previous years. Students will be able to take extra courses if they wish, depending on their availability.
Students will have multiple options during this time, and choices will vary from student to student. Advanced Placement courses will extend into “choice” time to allow for more instruction. OLL will also use these 34 minute blocks to offer elective courses. Each teacher will select office hours multiple times a week during one or more of these periods. Students may attend “mini labs” or teacher hosted study sessions. Students may also utilize this time for independent study, or group collaboration in one of our common areas. Students are encouraged to form clubs, which could also meet during this time. Students will be required to manage their time, be aware of options available, and work to find common meeting periods with teachers and peers.
Our Lady of the Lakes is keenly aware of the needs of students of varying levels of maturity and age. Our program is focused on building a foundation for younger students, gradually exposing them to the opportunities that we provide. Those who need extra support, will always find it at Our Lady of the Lakes.