Griffin Kaminski has been a student at Our Lady of the Lakes since he was in the 7th grade. He has played both football and baseball during his athletic career here at Lakes. His senior advice to underclassmen is “Don’t be ineligible.” While a student at Lakes, Griffin’s favorite subject was Team Sports, but his favorite teacher is Ms. Zaleski who says about Griffin, “He’s a great kid! While math isn’t his best subject, he always strives to make me proud by doing his best. I will miss seeing him in school.” One of the things Griffin will miss most about Lakes is the fabulous lunches provided in our school cafeteria.
Griffin is planning to attend Oakland Community College for a year and then transfer to Michigan State University. He is planning to study sports marketing and journalism. Ms. Zaleski says, “I could see him writing a column or producing a podcast about sports someday. He is always part of interesting discussions about sports in class. I’m sure someday he will get to meet Dwayne, the “Rock” Johnson.”
What college will you be attending?
Oakland Community College then Michigan State University
What is your major?
Sports Marketing/Journalism
Who is your favorite saint?
St. Albert
What will you miss most about Lakes?
Our amazing lunches
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I have an Amazon Prime membership
Kaminski’s first Laker school photo