The 1,560 Crosses in front of our church are a stark reminder of the babies aborted each day in America. Each cross represents 2 babies that die as a result of an abortion every single day. The crosses raise awareness for the truth of abortion for Our Lady of the Lakes and the Waterford Community. Praying that this crosses exhibit will be an opportunity to evangelize life issues This display is made possible by the Oakland Chapter of Right to Life/Lifespan. The Knights of Columbus and Debbie Brenner coordinated the display and requested help from our secondary school. The varsity football team, varsity volleyball team, and many other student volunteers and staff helped pound in the crosses. Mary Zednik was generous with her time to photograph this event. I am grateful for all the volunteers that made this display possible. On September 22nd the crosses will be taken down and passed on to another church.
This project reflects the belief in the value of human life from conception to natural death. Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School is a Pro Life School. We respect life. This was demonstrated by the students assisting with the Crosses and more than 20 years of participating in the March for Life in D.C. They truly are a voice for the unborn.
Consider sponsoring a student for the January 2022 March for Life. The cost is $185 and a check can be made out to Our Lady of the Lakes. Thank you for supporting our youth.
Kathy Lewis, Campus Minister