We have spent the last six months praying, listening and collecting data from all possible sources. There seems to be no easy answer to the many questions we all have. We aim to provide a Christ centered and safe environment for your families to continue their journey and relationship with Christ and His church. In keeping with the guidelines, and with hearing your wants and needs we will be offering the following opportunities for your family while, at the same time, allowing ourselves to be fluid and changing with needs of the community as best we are able. When we get to the point where we can return full time to our various process we will do so but until that time please note that we will be using the school classrooms which have implemented the following safety measures:
Hand sanitizers and sanitizing stations throughout the school and classrooms
Face mask and social distancing signs and reminders have been placed throughout the school and classrooms
Directional signs to allow for social distancing have been placed in the hallways.
Tabletop plastic divider\protectors have been placed in the classrooms
Air scrubbers are in every classroom
The school has hired a safety coordinator that Faith Formation will be in continual contact with.
Please note that each student will need to bring in his\her own crayons\markers, pens\pencils, glue sticks and safety scissors in a pencil case each class time. Any handouts or other supplies used in the classroom (rosaries, prayers etc.) will be sanitized and available using safety protocol. There will be no sharing of supplies allowed.
The drinking stations have been disabled so students may bring their own water bottles with names clearly marked.
Pick up parking lot parties will be developed and implemented for our families so that all have the needed materials prior to the start of classes in late September for all of our various processes. Watch for upcoming emails regarding virtual parent meetings on FB live as well as the weekly Jean’s Jottings Newsletters that will be emailed to you each Thursday.
Thank you for your continued understanding and discussion in regards to how we will proceed in offering the best possible guidance to you and your families.
2020-21 Faith Formation ** we must remain flexible and fluid ** these may change as the year progresses
Sunday Family Process
Move to 11:00 Mass: we will now meet from 11:00 – 2:00
No meal but rather a pick up snack: after Mass, students will have a prepacked snack and small water to enjoy during class time.
No total group meetings: After Mass, the parents will walk their children to the front doors of the school. The children will walk to their classrooms once inside the building and parents will then proceed to the social hall for our gathering. At 1:55, parents will be released to meet their children outside the main doors of the school.
Last year we had 58 total students in the Sunday process, to date we have 23 students. A class must have at least 3 students to meet and no more than 15 students to keep our social distant guidelines in place.
In keeping with the State and Archdiocese’ guidelines,
* Students will be required to wear face masks while in hall ways.
* Teachers will be asked to wear face masks at all times.
* Students in grades 5 – 8 will be asked to wear face masks at all times.
* Students in all grades will wear a face mask when moving about the classroom
* Parents will not be allowed into the school unless for emergencies. Drop off and pick up will happen outside the main doors. All students will be dismissed by their catechist out the main doors.
Monday Process
Separate into two or three groups: depending on the numbers for those that want to experience face to face. A class must have at least 3 students with no more than 15 students to keep social distant guidelines in place.
Move into the family approach meeting only once a month with much smaller classes: One week a month, students will meet face to face according to an alphabetical break down. One Monday a month parents and students will tune in virtually for a family prayer and faith experience with the Faith Formation Staff. The other Monday’s of the month, students will turn in their on line chapter reviews that they will do at home.
Parents stay gathered for support and catechesis: On the one Monday of the month that your family is to meet face to face, Jean will offer parent gatherings to support you in this time of at home catechesis.
Start time remains the same for Monday classes and the monthly virtual family event.
On line chapter reviews: On line chapter review calendar will be given at start up with instructions on how to access and submit chapter reviews.
In keeping with the State and Archdiocese’ guidelines,
* Students will be required to wear face masks while in hall ways.
* Teachers will be asked to wear face masks at all times.
* Students in grades 5 – 8 will be asked to wear face masks at all times.
* Students in all grades will wear a face mask when moving about the classroom
* Parents will not be allowed into the school unless for emergencies. Drop off and pick up will happen outside the main doors.
* At this time, older students will not be permitted to pick up younger siblings from classes as was the practice prior to COVID. All students will be dismissed by their catechist out the main doors.
Virtual connection For those not wishing to gather at all
Family zoom activities with Jean and/or catechists: These will take place once a month on a Monday at 6:15pm. Information on how to “turn in” will be given and activities will be aired via Facebook live, zoom or the like platform.
On line chapter reviews: On line chapter review calendar will be given at start up with instructions on how to access and submit chapter reviews.