Our Lady of the Lakes Early Childhood program provides a faith-filled “first-school” experience for all of our students. Each child is seen as unique and loved by God. We support the growth and development of the whole child and strive to lay a strong foundation that readies our youngest students for future learning.
We succeed with our vision by balancing a developmentally-appropriate, hands-on academic curriculum, with the time and adult support needed for socialization and learning through exploration and play.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, under the Mantle of Mary, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School forms disciples through Catholic Tradition, personal discipline and academic excellence.
Our Lady of the Lakes Level 1 offers developmentally appropriate activities in a warm and nurturing environment. Children are provided with an interactive learning community to build skills and experiences of readiness in preparation for future schooling. Students are introduced and provided with the opportunity to explore and develop spiritually in our Catholic faith.
Age and Admission Requirements: A child must be three years old by September 1 and fully toilet-trained (including naptime). Minimum enrollment requirement is 2 half-days.
Pre-Kindergarten I offerings include:
Our Lady of the Lakes Level 2 offers a balanced curriculum in an interactive learning environment with personal growth, socialization, exploration and spiritual development of our Catholic faith. Educational enrichment opportunities to extend our curriculum are also offered. This program is geared towards students intending on enrolling in Kindergarten the following year.
Age and Admission Requirements: A child must be four years old by September 1 and fully toilet-trained (including naptime). Minimum enrollment requirement is 3 half-days.
Pre-Kindergarten II offerings include:
Our Lady of the Lakes Kindergarten program brings together the basic reading, math, science exploration and social skills to prepare students for success throughout their elementary education experience. Students are engaged and grow with a rich Catholic faith experience throughout their daily activities.
Age and Admission Requirements: Students must be 5 by September 1 to enroll in kindergarten. In addition, a student must demonstrate readiness as measured by a standardized developmental assessment and must have an Our Lady of the Lakes Social Readiness Assessment completed. Students that do not meet this requirement are to have a waiver as submitted by his or her parent for admission.
Kindergarten offerings include: