Elizabeth Nardo, better known as Elize, has been at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School since from her start in preschool. She leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets, even if it’s a teacher’s first time having her in their class. Ms. Thomas, first year teacher and Drama Club Director, agrees and had the following to say about Nardo:
“Elize is one of the most enthusiastic students of mine! Everyday she comes into our class ready to learn. She really puts herself into her work and it shows! She doesn’t just answer questions to get them right, she really thinks about them critically.
In Drama Club, Elize is a true leader! She demonstrates how to take constructive criticism and truly cares about the underclassmen that she mentors! She is helpful and hands on, always willing to stay late in order to make sure a song sounds just right or to walk the elementary students to ESH for parent pick-up. It’s a joy to have her in class and in extra-curricular activities! I think the younger students really look up to her because she genuinely cares for them and wants to help them as much as she can.”
What college will you be attending?
Wayne and MSU
What majors are you considering?
International and Global Studies
Who is your favorite teacher you’ve had a Lakes?
Mr. Kennedy
Describe yourself in one word:
What advice would you give to underclassmen?
Try hard at school, but if you don’t do well on a test it’s not the end of the world
What is your favorite quote?
Hakuna Matata
Who is your favorite saint?
St. Cecilia