Throughout the school year, the students at Our Lady of the Lakes School participate in different projects to help their community. One of those projects is a “sock drive”. Last week, students were asked to bring in men’s tube socks to donate to the homeless. The recipients of this collection are those who receive help from Manna House and the Pope Francis Center, both located in Detroit.
The students learned how those who are homeless do not have a dresser full of socks or access to laundry to clean theirs. They learned how a fresh, brand-new pair of socks can brighten the day of those who are homeless. It not only can bring them physical comfort, but lets them know their community cares about them.
All of the students, grade Pre-K thru 12 participated in this sock drive and collected a whopping 1,300 pairs of socks!! The third grade collected the most socks per student with over 14 pairs per student. Students in the high school are currently taking time after school to roll each pair of socks so they can be handed out.
The sock drive was sponsored by the National Honor Society in the high school, but all students throughout the school have participated. It is projects like this that help people in our community that is what being a Laker student is all about.
Matthew 25:40 Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”