The Our Lady of the Lakes Drama Club hosted a two day Drama Kid’s Camp for students in grades K-8. Students worked with the high school drama club to help start the preparations for the upcoming spring musical: The Little Mermaid.
Drama Club member Yeongjin Park described the event: “It was such a great experience to work with the elementary kids! We played charades, acted out objects, and improvised certain scenes like ‘visiting a dentist.’ We had three big groups with high school group leaders. It was a lot of fun and we are really looking forward to the next year’s drama camp!”
Our Lady of the Lakes Drama Club is proud to present Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Join us in celebrating this colorful classic, which contains relevant reminders for these times, such as learning to trust one’s intuition and overcoming unfounded fears about others. Ariel is no mere Disney Princess, she also reminds us how to bridge the divide between two worlds.
The Little Mermaid will premiere on Friday, March 27, 2020 at 7 p.m. with additional performances on Saturday at 7 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door.
Educating students in grades PreK through 12 for over 60 years, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School provides an educational experience grounded in Catholic Tradition, personal discipline and academic excellence. We offer small class sizes and low student-to-teacher ratios in a safe and secure family-oriented community. Weekly Mass complements a fully integrated one-to-one iPad program, championship athletics, K-12 robotics program, before and after school care, and much more!