Please read the following linked PDF letter from the Department of Catholic Schools regarding extended school closings mandated by the State of Michigan. Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that in order to slow the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), she has ordered the closure of all K-12 school buildings, public, private, and boarding, to all students starting Monday, March 16 until Sunday, April 5. Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School building is scheduled to reopen on Monday, April 6.
We will be establishing a plan for Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School and information regarding that plan will be forthcoming to our current families via email; however, at this point all athletic events and after school activities on our campus are cancelled. The drama production and Sneak-A-Peek events are postponed (dates to be determined). Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church will remain open.
We are aware that many of you have scheduled vacation plans. Please know that we, as a school, will support the decisions you make for your family.
Though school is cancelled, we will be allowing families to come into the school building on Monday, March 16, between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to pick up “essential” items, including work packets from your child(ren)s lockers/classrooms. Teachers will not be in the building during this time. Bring a bag or backpack to put your items to take home. This is a one day opportunity for access to obtaining these items. Please be patient, understanding and kind to our limited staff who will be assisting you on Monday, so we can make sure that we get you your items as efficiently as possible.
We are also in the process of working through distance learning options and will be sharing those plans in the coming days and weeks. As we move through these unprecedented times, we will be communicating any and all updates we receive related to Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School and your child(ren)s education.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as our ability to come together as a community and work through these difficult times.
Have a blessed day,
Rev. Scott Thibodeau, Pastor
Mrs. Jeanine Kenny, Head of School
Mr. Jared Kullman, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kitty Farkas, Director of Student Services